
I tried to stay away from the mirrored image effect used so often in most gemini pieces, but to no avail...
But I am extremely happy with the layout.


Working on clothing designs and whatnot. I've been drawing naked bodies for so long that laying down clothes has proven to be a strenuous task. Nevertheless I welcome the obstacle; clothes do make a pic much more interesting...believe it or not.


Now that the zodiac series is finally completed, what's there to do but-go back and redo the older pieces. Yes, that's right. I am that bored and uninspired.

First on the list, Aries.


After a year of hibernation, I've finally gathered up the will to start on the last installment of my Zodiac series. Maybe through force I shall regain the motivation for drawing again...
I need inspirations -_-
Edit 6/22 - There appears to be a misunderstanding, the artworks on the right hand side are the daily top from the art community (which I am a part of). These are other people's creations, I have no rights to them. The portion on the right is just a little code DA offer to us members to paste in our blogs to promote their website. I've simply put it there to make my blog feel a little less empty.

Only the artworks which I've submitted step-by-step progress on are the ones I am entitled to.

Sketch-about 2 hours. I altered the concept on this particular zodiac so many times...

zodiac : pisces by ~yummy-twinkie on deviantART